
Title GRAPHICS: add turnscrew to repair skill icon
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Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h07 by tracker_migration, last changed by ahuillet.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2010-02-13   14h18
Submitted by matthiaskrgr
Please take a look at this video.

The guy got the wrench from the box. At 2:23 he changes from hacking skill to repairing skill (wrench symbol) before attacking a bot with the wrench. Probably he thought that the skill with the wrench icon is required to attack with the wrench which is not right AFAIK.

Maybe someone could clear out this misunderstanding by adding a turnscrew to the icon? The wrench and the turnscrew could form a X together.

[we really need to get more user feedback somehow]

Thank you for you fine work!
Matthias Kr\u00fcger

Date User Action Args
2011-07-28 06:27:54ahuilletsetpriority: bug -> idea
2011-07-24 19:07:50tracker_migrationcreate