
Title Hold position must prevent bots from moving even to attack
Priority minor Status open
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Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h08 by tracker_migration, last changed by matthiaskrgr.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-01-26   14h28
Submitted by matthiaskrgr
When I tell a hacked bot to hold position, it affects nothing.

revision 3788
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-01-26   14h33
Posted by matthiaskrgr
At least it seems to be ignored when there is an enemy around...
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-01-26   14h41
Posted by ahuillet
That's realistic behavior. If you tell a solider to hold position, it means he won't move. Not that he won't himself be killed or let enemies pass through.

At any rate, it is intended behavior.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-01-26   14h48
Posted by matthiaskrgr
A bot is not a human being. :)

I think that machines should do what one tells them.

   1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
   2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
   3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

It was possible to get some ranged bots and let them hold positions. It was possible to abuse them as aiming autogun turrets then (pulling some bots inside their range) which was quite a nice feature in my opinion.

This also means, that holding position will affect absolutely nothing to melee bots, because they will start to rush the target in order to attack.
In a situation where I hacked a quite strong bot, I may want it to hold position in order to avoid it taking too much damage from some minor bots which I can easily kill on my own.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-03-21   11h26
Posted by ahuillet
In the sense of Asimov, a "hold position" order would do what you describe, but I don't know if this would be very useful.

I do understand your request now at  least.
Date User Action Args
2011-07-27 10:29:51matthiaskrgrsetpriority: bug -> minor
2011-07-24 19:08:03tracker_migrationcreate