
Title ANIMATION: Loop/ping-pong shooting frames (high-ROF guns)
Priority feature Status open
Assigned To fluzz Keywords
Linked issues Watchers fluzz

Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h08 by tracker_migration, last changed by ahuillet.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-02-12   14h16
Submitted by lowerthanred
Current behavior: When tux shoots a ranged weapon with a high ROF (rate of fire), the entire attack animation (point gun, shoot gun, return to standing position) is played repeatedly and greatly sped up. Looks weird. Good example: Laser pulse rifle.

Expected/wanted behavior: When tux shoots such a weapon, the few frames in which the gun is actually shot, say frames 5-8, should loop or 'ping-pong' (played normally, then backwards, then normally again, then...)

Possibly this can be applied to any weapon with a Recharge time smaller than some value defined in item_archtypes.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-03-21   09h39
Posted by ahuillet
Fluzz, would you be interested and willing to do this?
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-07-27   12h06
I think this should get fixed until next release.
Assigning to fluzz :p
Author: fluzz Date: 2011-07-27   17h29
Yes, taking it !
Author: fluzz Date: 2011-07-27   17h59
Infrared, in your initial comment, you said:

Current behavior: When tux shoots a ranged weapon with a high ROF (rate 
of fire), the entire attack animation (point gun, shoot gun, return to 
standing position) is played repeatedly and greatly sped up. Looks 
weird. Good example: Laser pulse rifle.

Expected/wanted behavior: When tux shoots such a weapon, the few frames 
in which the gun is actually shot, say frames 5-8, should loop or 
'ping-pong' (played normally, then backwards, then normally again, then...)

Possibly this can be applied to any weapon with a Recharge time smaller 
than some value defined in item_archtypes.

I'm starting working on it, and would like to have some more precisions.

So I will add a shoot_first_keyframe and shoot_last_keyframe to Tux
animation definition.

I will also add a loop_shoot_animation_rate in the Tux rendering config.
If a weapon RoF is higher, the shoot animation will be played in a loop,
as you want (if think that there is the same kind of issue with the
knife, iirc).

But what about the Recharge Time ? I do not really understand how it is

(And please, register to the new bug tracker:
Author: infrared Date: 2011-07-27   18h05
Sorry, registered now. :)

I think I may have confused the recharge time (the time it takes the weapon to
reload, as in change magazine/round) and rate of fire (the number of consecutive
shots the weapon can fire in, say, a second). Recharge time is indeed irrelevant
to the issue, RoF is what matters. Thanks for taking care of this. :)
Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-07-27   18h20
We use two different notions with a touchy wording.

"recharge time" is the time between two shots (ie. 1/RoF)
"reload time" is the time to change the magazine

So you are actually interested in recharge time. :)
Author: fluzz Date: 2011-08-09   08h36
First testing implementation available:
Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-08-09   11h06
This implementation requires ACK from infrared and matthias on a functional
point of view. Once this is done fluzz and I can refine it to match our
technical expectations.
Author: salimiles Date: 2011-11-07   04h38
As per the discussion e-mail, not a requirement for 0.15, but it would be nice
to have done.

Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-11-09   13h09
Not a bug...
Date User Action Args
2011-11-09 13:09:23ahuilletsetpriority: bug -> feature
messages: + msg1946
2011-11-07 04:38:17salimilessetpriority: important -> bug
messages: + msg1929
2011-08-09 11:06:21ahuilletsetmessages: + msg1545
2011-08-09 08:36:51fluzzsetmessages: + msg1542
2011-07-27 18:20:13ahuilletsetmessages: + msg1349
2011-07-27 18:05:55infraredsetmessages: + msg1348
2011-07-27 17:59:03fluzzsetmessages: + msg1347
2011-07-27 17:29:50fluzzsetmessages: + msg1346
2011-07-27 12:06:01matthiaskrgrsetpriority: bug -> important
assignedto: fluzz
messages: + msg1336
nosy: + fluzz
2011-07-24 19:08:04tracker_migrationcreate