
Title tracker: add "captcha" field to user registration
Priority minor Status rejected
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Watchers

Submitted on 2011-07-25 16h02 by ahuillet, last changed by ahuillet.

Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-07-25   16h02
Let's be proactive and prevent spam before it happens.
Author: ahuillet Date: 2013-01-10   15h53
Demoting to minor as we have had no evidence of spam.
Date User Action Args
2017-02-02 14:35:09ahuilletsetstatus: open -> rejected
2013-01-10 15:53:20ahuilletsetpriority: important -> minor
messages: + msg2396
2011-07-25 16:02:29ahuilletcreate