
Title saveing: Load Hero Screen -- Show Gameplay Statistics
Priority feature Status open
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues saving: savegame size wrongly calculated?
View: 461
Watchers Henker, matthiaskrgr, salimiles

Submitted on 2011-11-12 22h47 by salimiles, last changed by salimiles.

Author: salimiles Date: 2011-11-12   22h47
I think that we should make the Load Hero screen more informative.

I think that the load-existing-hero screen should show the following:
1) cheat state
2) % explored (since automap)
3) total time played
4) last access
5) current level name
6) # of quests completed

Currently it shows:
1) the time the file was saved
2) the size in Mb of the saved game
Author: salimiles Date: 2011-11-15   19h05
Matthias proposed that this information should be stored in a small file so we
don't have to load the entire .savegame ( ).

Also, I'm linking to issue 461, about the calculating the savegame size. This
feature request would make that irrelevent.
Date User Action Args
2011-11-15 21:38:40salimilessettitle: Load Hero Screen -- Show Gameplay Statistics -> saveing: Load Hero Screen -- Show Gameplay Statistics
2011-11-15 19:05:22salimilessetnosy: + matthiaskrgr, salimiles, Henker
messages: + msg1982
linked: + saving: savegame size wrongly calculated?
2011-11-15 19:00:10salimileslinkissue461 linked
2011-11-12 22:47:11salimilescreate