
Title Lua 2D engine
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Submitted on 2012-04-04 12h42 by Xenux, last changed by Xenux.

Author: Xenux Date: 2012-04-04   12h42
To easier the development of mini-game and add new possibility for lua
scripting, I think we should develop a 2D api for lua. Of course, using our
actual 2D in-game engine. We're being able to modify sprite and tiles from lua. 

That's a huge project, maybe many google summer projects.

Three (or more) features are interesting:
- Modify the in-game wrapper data
- Use the current in-game wrapper to display sprite and tile for lua mini-game
- Have a widget to draw from lua and send event to lua
Date User Action Args
2012-04-04 12:42:48Xenuxcreate