
Title Automatic doors should not open to an invisible Tux
Priority feature Status open
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues The time Tux remains invisible should not stack up, Tux should not be able to use weapons when he is invisible
View: 608, 607

Submitted on 2012-09-06 19h53 by Calangao, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: Calangao Date: 2012-09-06   19h53
If bots can't sense Tux when he is invisible, why door sensors would?

If you don't agree with that, at least consider it as preventing the player from
going around and completing all quests using only invisibility. Tux should be
exposed to risk.
Author: salimiles Date: 2012-09-18   23h01
From what I remember, this behavior may be somewhat difficult to change.
Author: hakzsam Date: 2012-09-19   18h47
mmh.. What happens if I want to cheat?
Author: jesusalva Date: 2016-08-01   02h09
...I propose the following answer: Door sensors were created by the Future 
Ballistics Inc. founder when he was just 12 as a school project.

Future Ballistics Inc. Doors: Absolutely safe. Absolutely Future. Absolutely... 

-> And also allows you to create a crazy fighter door u.u
"A door which elimines anything trying to get though, Because being locked is 
not enough."
Date User Action Args
2016-08-01 02:09:53jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3335
2012-09-19 18:47:18hakzsamsetmessages: + msg2345
2012-09-18 23:01:13salimilessetmessages: + msg2340
2012-09-06 19:53:46Calangaocreate