
Title In game translation issues
Priority minor Status open
Assigned To Keywords translation
Linked issues Add Czech language to the game menu
View: 786
Watchers zdenek

Submitted on 2015-03-08 22h10 by zdenek, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: zdenek Date: 2015-03-08   22h10
At this moment, I see following list of language/translation issues

1) Info messages are displayed in English instead of the chosen language on display.

In arena, when all bots are killed, you get notification message "All bots are
killed! Go to center for next wave." - this message is displayed in English but
not in language of mine (Czech or some other)

The same is for other notifications of this type.

2) Similar to point 1 above, if you get some new item or weapon, you see
notification message in your own language but the name of item or weapon is in

3) In the shop view, when you see the weapon details in the section "Notes:..."
If the weapon requires something (some ammo type for example), this "something"
is in English. The rest is in your language.

See description of weapons (section "notes") in shop view for Shotgun or
Sledgehammer - look at line with "This weapon requires ..." in other language
then English.

4) "Click anywhere to continue" that appears during dialog is not possible to
translate (is not available for translation) and is herewith displayed in
English but not your language.

5) Words "Buy" and "Sell" are translated separately and then used in different
phrases (word connections) like "Buy Price", "Sell Price", "Buy all", "Sell All"
Unfortunately, this works in English but not in Czech language. In phrase "Buy
Price", word "buy" is an adjective but in "Buy all", it is a verb. Czech
language has different words for verb and adjective. So having one translation
correct cause weird translation of the second phrase. The same is valid for "Sell".
Note: This could be limitation of Czech language only, I do not know if other
languages have the same issue.

Please let me know if more details are needed for better understanding of listed
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-03-09   10h30
6) New hero screen. "Please enter a name ...." - all is in English only.
Translation is not shown.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2015-03-09   23h33
Ill check pt-BR translations, some of 
reported bugs were absent last time I 
Author: jesusalva Date: 2015-03-09   23h47
Yes, that's correct. Some of them are 
new, though. I also have issues on the 
buy all topic: buy alone ends in 'r', but 
I need drop this 'r' when using it on the 
second case.
I would not classify this as minor, 
Please note that info eg. Advanced a 
level is translated. The ones not working 
are mostly Lua.

But you forgot one on AfterTakeover: 
sensor name is not translatable. This is 
hard to fix. Others are kinda easier.
Date User Action Args
2015-03-09 23:47:34jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3080
2015-03-09 23:33:28jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3079
2015-03-09 10:30:45zdeneksetmessages: + msg3076
2015-03-09 09:24:32zdeneksetnosy: + zdenek
2015-03-08 22:10:08zdenekcreate