
Title memleak deleting/copying/pasting chest with items
Priority minor Status open
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Submitted on 2015-06-03 20h13 by matthiaskrgr, last changed by matthiaskrgr.

Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2015-06-03   20h13
place chest on the map, put some items inside, copy, cut and paste chest with
items inside:

Direct leak of 3520 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    #0 0x7fb91c4d2d5a in __interceptor_realloc
    #1 0x4531fb in dynarray_resize
    #2 0x453609 in dynarray_add /home/matthias/vcs/git/freedroid/src/dynarray.c:96
    #3 0x5b0bcb in level_editor_edit_chest lvledit/lvledit_actions.c:1088
    #4 0x5f4fb7 in edit_chest_button_click lvledit/lvledit_widgets.c:153
    #5 0x58d6bf in button_handle_event widgets/widget_button.c:78
    #6 0x58f2c8 in group_mouse_event widgets/widget_group.c:89
    #7 0x58f8e8 in widget_group_handle_event widgets/widget_group.c:183
    #8 0x58cd3a in handle_widget_event widgets/widgets.c:281
    #9 0x50b213 in input_handle /home/matthias/vcs/git/freedroid/src/input.c:135
    #10 0x5b77dc in leveleditor_process_input lvledit/lvledit_input.c:186
    #11 0x5a22f2 in LevelEditor lvledit/lvledit.c:282
    #12 0x514bb7 in main /home/matthias/vcs/git/freedroid/src/main.c:188
    #13 0x7fb919e8378f in __libc_start_main (/usr/lib/
Date User Action Args
2015-06-03 20:13:54matthiaskrgrcreate