
Title Fixing bugs
Priority minor Status rejected
Assigned To Keywords
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Submitted on 2017-03-09 02h34 by johnsims12, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: johnsims12 Date: 2017-03-09   02h34
Fixed a few bugs.

Attached 23213283e2938.html.
Author: fluzz Date: 2017-03-10   08h56
What is the attached file about ?
Sorry, I can not fluently read German, but from the little that I can understand
this is not related to FDrpg... or is it ?
Author: fluzz Date: 2017-03-11   21h08
Spam !
Date User Action Args
2017-03-11 21:08:48jesusalvasetfiles: - 23213283e2938.html
2017-03-11 21:08:20fluzzsetstatus: resolved -> rejected
nosy: - alexandros
messages: + msg3428
assignedto: alexandros ->
2017-03-10 08:56:22fluzzsetmessages: + msg3426
2017-03-09 02:34:24johnsims12create