
Title It is not possible to return to HF after teleporting to Town
Priority minor Status postponed
Assigned To Keywords
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Submitted on 2018-10-21 21h28 by temporary, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: temporary Date: 2018-10-21   21h28
It is impossible to return to HF after teleporting to Town. Game becomes unwinnable.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2018-12-07   02h56
This only happens if you never teleported before. Also, IIRC, the room is
protected against normal teleports.

If the first is your case, you can do a normal teleport, and the three-nodes
system will start working again.

I don't think you can do a normal gameplay without teleporting even once (say
about patience!), so I'm postponing this issue.
(PS. The gate is open at some point on the dialog. Also, if you think this is a
relevant, active bug, please move status again to open and I'll take a closer
look at it)
Date User Action Args
2018-12-07 03:00:41jesusalvasetpriority: critical -> minor
2018-12-07 02:56:39jesusalvasetstatus: open -> postponed
messages: + msg3604
2018-10-21 21:28:30temporarycreate