
Title Russian translation of Character panel
Priority feature Status open
Assigned To Keywords graphics, translation
Linked issues Watchers

Submitted on 2019-02-24 18h28 by r0di0n, last changed by r0di0n.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
Pinguin.screenshot-223.png r0di0n, 2019-02-24.18:28:08 image/png
Author: r0di0n Date: 2019-02-24   18h28
In the Russian translation of the Character panel some values overlaps some row 
headers. The German translation has this problem too. I'll try to shorten words, 
but is there a way to align the value column to the right with the training 
points value?
Date User Action Args
2019-02-24 18:28:08r0di0ncreate