
Title The map can't possibly be locked behind that one guy...
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Submitted on 2019-07-14 10h27 by LotBlind, last changed by specing.

Author: LotBlind Date: 2019-07-14   10h27
So if you piss that one guy off, you can't get a minimap? You've locked a basic part of the UI behind a conversation tree that you can get wrong? His dialogue even makes him sound suspicious. I honestly can't see this as a good idea. I mean the game world isn't so huge that I haven't been able to find my bearings but I mean... this is completely ridiculous.

You could probably even argue teleport beacons are a basic part of the experience. At least they're very useful in cutting on the backtracking (though that's not entirely critical in my current opinion having just reached the Red Fortress).
Author: specing Date: 2022-12-02   15h24
A lack of minimap is not a game-breaking bug. You also cannot win the game if you kill/piss off Spencer or Kevin or Richard.

You get the sanctuary skill after you rescue Tania, making teleport beacons unnecessary.

Plus, IMO the mapper should cost way more than 50 circuits. Currently it is a no-brainer. But that is for another bug.
Date User Action Args
2022-12-02 15:25:04specingsetstatus: open -> resolved
2022-12-02 15:24:22specingsetmessages: + msg3737
2019-07-14 10:27:08LotBlindcreate