
Title does not destroy/kill the bot (tested bots in comment)
Priority important Status resolved
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Problem in FDnpc.drain_health
View: 961

Submitted on 2020-10-04 18h48 by DroidWrecker9000, last changed by fluzz.

Author: DroidWrecker9000 Date: 2020-10-04   18h48
123 Acolyte died
139 Templar didn't die
247 Banshee died
249 Chicago died
296 Sawmill not tested
302 Nemesis died
329 Sparkie didn't die
420 Surgeon didn't die
476 Coward didn't die
493 Spinster didn't die
Author: DroidWrecker9000 Date: 2020-10-04   19h51
Update: Only works with drain. Standard HCF works as intended
Author: fluzz Date: 2022-08-01   18h58
Fixed in commit d7830f80b
Date User Action Args
2022-08-01 18:58:51fluzzsetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg3733
2021-11-05 13:11:53jesusalvalinkissue971 linked
2021-11-05 13:06:05jesusalvalinkissue961 linked
2021-11-05 13:05:47jesusalvasetpriority: 0.16 rc bugs -> important
linked: + Problem in FDnpc.drain_health
2021-10-19 18:51:03cypherpunkssetpriority: bug -> 0.16 rc bugs
2020-10-04 19:51:43DroidWrecker9000setmessages: + msg3705
2020-10-04 18:48:04DroidWrecker9000create