
Author fluzz
Date 2011-09-19.20:35:04
Not exactly. It was about the list not being cleaned up before to save it, iirc. But yes it was fixed.

----- Reply message -----
De : "Józef Kucia - Roundup" <>
Date : lun., sept. 19, 2011 20:12
Objet : [issue454] SIGSEGV in access tunnel for shield control
Pour : <>

Józef Kucia <> added the comment:

I was able to reproduce the crash with the attached savegame. I find out that
the crash was caused by negative obstacle type in the obstacle list. You can
check it easily by examining the savegame file.
Fluzz claimed it's the old bug. He said the obstacle list wasn't cleared before
loading a savegame.
I'm closing the issue.

status: open -> resolved

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