
Author Robr3rd
Date 2011-10-26.07:44:25
These would be good in a few of the "abandoned facilities" throughout FDRPG. 
For instance, "Opening a can of bots..." warehouse before descending, or in the 
later areas of the Disruptor Shield level there are certain areas that were 
clearly abandoned (libraries, shops, etc.). Though there is nobody working the 
shops (droids killed 'em all -- makes sense), perhaps the vending machines 
could provide supplies in the tail-end of that quest, as I often find myself 
running low around that point. Of course, one could just say, "Suck it up -- 
just teleport to town and teleport back," but I digress.
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2011-10-26 07:44:25Robr3rdsetmessageid: <>
2011-10-26 07:44:25Robr3rdlinkissue392 messages
2011-10-26 07:44:25Robr3rdcreate