
Title lvledit: Purple grid range slightly out of sync with map area
Priority minor Status postponed
Assigned To hakzsam Keywords editor
Linked issues lvledit: Small zoomed out location not correct on SE and SW, lvledit: minimap is displayed out of boundary in SDL mode
View: 503, 237
Watchers hakzsam

Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h07 by tracker_migration, last changed by salimiles.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2009-10-14   08h07
Submitted by stedevil
When moving around in the editor with the arrow keys the purple 1square grid can be incorrectly positioned. 

* If the white 4-way arrow is N of square midpoint then:
It is possible to move the gridline N into the first square of the neighbour level. (Placing an obstacle with eg kp_5 still places it on the correct level)

The equivalent happens towards W

The opposite also happens, at the S and E edges. If 4-way white arrow is N/W of midpoint it is impossible to reach all the way to the edge towards S or E. This additionally also hinders placing obstacles in these correct areas (without first moving 4-way arrow with the mouse).

In short, the entire movement area of the purple grid seems off by about 0,5x0,5 squares (going past N&W edge but not reaching fully on E&S edge).

The temp fix to move the mouse is easy but quickly becomes tedious when working a lot around level borders.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2009-10-27   16h25
Posted by ahuillet

any chance I could get screenshots to better understand the problem? :)
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2009-11-07   18h29
Posted by ahuillet

this is a very hairy problem. It will take time. :)
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2009-11-10   02h21
Posted by stedevil
Hmm, hairy you say? Mayby you could code a razor to shave it off? ;)

In any case, it's an after 0.13 prio bug, so not too urgent (besides I'm effectively the only affected user currently :D)

Dropping prio a bit more due to complexity vs affected users, :)
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-03-02   20h51
Posted by salimiles
Probably related to bug 3158985.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-04-14   22h04
Posted by hakzsam
I partially fixed this very old bug in revision 4467.
"lvledit: Do not draw the quick placement grid outside the current level (partial fix #2878703)."

Now, the quick placement grid (ie. purple grid) is displayed inside the level.

However, there is still a bug when you use the moving tool at the SW and SE borders, we can't totally reach the boundary of the level with the cursor (ie. Me).
Author: salimiles Date: 2011-11-15   21h37
I'm not clear on the issue here, is it related to issue 237 and issue 503?
Date User Action Args
2011-11-15 21:37:42salimilessetassignedto: hakzsam
messages: + msg1995
linked: + lvledit: minimap is displayed out of boundary in SDL mode, lvledit: Small zoomed out location not correct on SE and SW
nosy: + hakzsam
title: Purple grid range slightly out of sync with map area -> lvledit: Purple grid range slightly out of sync with map area
2011-07-25 08:58:56ahuilletsettitle: EDITOR: Purple grid range slightly out of sync with map area -> Purple grid range slightly out of sync with map area
2011-07-25 08:58:52ahuilletsetstatus: open -> postponed
priority: bug -> minor
keyword: + editor
2011-07-24 19:07:37tracker_migrationcreate