
Title ANIMATION: bullet spawning position needs to be synced
Priority minor Status rejected
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues ANIMATION: Bullets should start near gun muzzle
View: 344

Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h07 by tracker_migration, last changed by matthiaskrgr.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-01-25   18h40
Submitted by matthiaskrgr
The positions where bullets are spawned when Tux shoots needs to be updated in order to fit to the new Tux models.

screenshot attached

revision 3785
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-07-27   09h23
Dublication of issue 344.
Date User Action Args
2011-07-27 09:23:24matthiaskrgrsetstatus: open -> rejected
priority: bug -> minor
messages: + msg1320
linked: + ANIMATION: Bullets should start near gun muzzle
2011-07-24 19:07:41tracker_migrationcreate