
Title Display damage values near tux or droid images
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Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h07 by tracker_migration, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2010-10-04   08h53
Submitted by viralex
View damage values near enemies like final fantasy or other rpg 
red for normal damage to enemy
green for cure
yellow for paralize message
magenta for slow message
white for miss message
gold for circuits message

messages should fade out going up

or view damage values into message window but it would become mutch verbose..
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-03-21   10h32
Posted by ahuillet
Good idea.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-01-07   01h36
This is an important thing to be implemented, because it's just too bad don't
have idea of how your weapon is going. And, you know, the red bar don't give a
good tip as well.

Please note that all weapons says how much damage them can deal, but never how
much was dealt, or how much HP the enemy droid have.
Adding like "x/y hp" on top of the robot appear a good idea to be put with this.
Date User Action Args
2014-01-07 01:36:42jesusalvasetmessages: + msg2664
2011-07-28 06:40:16ahuilletsetpriority: bug -> idea
2011-07-24 19:07:57tracker_migrationcreate