
Title WP paths with no destinational WP
Priority bug Status resolved
Assigned To Keywords editor
Linked issues Watchers matthiaskrgr

Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h08 by tracker_migration, last changed by jesusalva.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
1.jpg ahuillet, 2011-07-28.06:42:46 image/jpeg
2.png ahuillet, 2011-07-28.06:42:51 image/png
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-04-26   18h09
Submitted by matthiaskrgr
There are two screenshots attached to this ticket.

SC1 ):
1) plant a WP via mouse   \u2192 path from WP to mouse
2) press undo key \u2192 WP is deleted, you have a path from ex-WP-position to mouse

SC2 ):
1) click and plant WPa \u2192 path from WP to mouse
2) click and plant another WPb \u2192 both WPs (a and b) connected, path fromWPb to mouse
3) press undo key 3 times \u2192 WPb disappears, still path from WPb to mouse
4) click on WPa \u2192 path from position of WPb to WPa, however WPb doesn't exit anymore.
(optional:  5) save and reload the map \u2192 path from WPa to tile x=1 y=1, however no WP there)
Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-07-28   06h43
I have absolutely no idea what this report is support to be about. Can you
elaborate? :)
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-07-28   08h22
Here without wrong encoding:

SC1 ):
1) plant a WP via mouse → path from WP to mouse
2) press undo key → WP is deleted, you have a path from ex-WP-position to mouse

SC2 ):
1) click and plant WPa → path from WP to mouse
2) click and plant another WPb → both WPs (a and b) connected, path fromWPb to mouse
3) press undo key 3 times → WPb disappears, still path from WPb to mouse
4) click on WPa → path from position of WPb to WPa, however WPb doesn't exit
(optional: 5) save and reload the map → path from WPa to tile x=1 y=1, however
no WP there)
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-07-28   08h23
The report describes how you reproduce the situations shown on the screenshot.

I think that the screenshots show things that are actually not supposed to happen.
Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-07-28   08h30
I understand better now. This is definitely a bug.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2018-01-13   03h49
Could not reproduce - and given seven years already went by, marking as resolved.
If this is equivocated and the bug is still reproduce-able -- by all means
reopen this ticket.
Date User Action Args
2018-01-13 03:49:23jesusalvasetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg3535
2011-07-28 08:30:17ahuilletsetpriority: feature -> bug
messages: + msg1362
keyword: + editor
2011-07-28 08:23:49matthiaskrgrsetmessages: + msg1361
2011-07-28 08:22:32matthiaskrgrsetmessages: + msg1360
2011-07-28 06:43:21ahuilletsetpriority: bug -> feature
messages: + msg1357
2011-07-28 06:42:51ahuilletsetfiles: + 2.png
2011-07-28 06:42:46ahuilletsetfiles: + 1.jpg
2011-07-25 11:43:26matthiaskrgrsetnosy: + matthiaskrgr
2011-07-25 11:34:28matthiaskrgrlinkissue403 linked
2011-07-24 19:08:09tracker_migrationcreate