
Title Graphics: Sourcebook/spellbook image flaw
Priority minor Status open
Assigned To Keywords graphics
Linked issues Watchers

Submitted on 2011-09-27 01h42 by Robr3rd, last changed by Robr3rd.

Author: Robr3rd Date: 2011-09-27   01h42
When buying spellbooks/Sourcebooks all have the same rotating image "preview." 
This is fine, and I fully understood why this has been done and quite like the 

The only problem is that this "rotating image" (/graphics/items/spellbook/
portrait_xxxx.jpg) is transparent on the back (which I assume shouldn't be the 

The affected images are /graphics/items/spellbook/portrait_0022.jpg all the way 
through portrait_0026.jpg -- portrait_0021 and portrait_0027 are both good. IT 
is only the ones between the two. It seems like the pyramid-like insignia as 
well as the "pages" on the side are blending through.
Date User Action Args
2011-09-27 01:42:17Robr3rdcreate