
Title Graphics: eating plate rotation model makes no sense
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Submitted on 2011-11-03 14h05 by matthiaskrgr, last changed by salimiles.

Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-11-03   14h05
Especially in frame 21
 (while assuming the upper part is the "socket" which is at the bottom when you
normally put the plate on a table) you can see that there is no bending, no dent
on the other surface.

Thus I assume the the plate is just "flat" which makes it impossible to eat
things like soup since it would just sill off.

Author: ahuillet Date: 2011-11-03   14h42
"plate" in France refers to pretty much what is shown in the model -
essentially a disk.
If we want to eat soup, we use a "soup plate".
Date User Action Args
2011-11-15 21:16:50salimilessettitle: eating plate rotation model makes no sense -> Graphics: eating plate rotation model makes no sense
2011-11-03 20:02:40matthiaskrgrsettitle: eating plate rotaion model makes no sense -> eating plate rotation model makes no sense
2011-11-03 14:42:04ahuilletsetmessages: + msg1873
2011-11-03 14:05:01matthiaskrgrcreate