
Title Running through walls
Priority important Status resolved
Assigned To fluzz Keywords
Linked issues Watchers fluzz

Submitted on 2011-11-21 16h16 by Henker, last changed by fluzz.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
bug_throughwalls_5133.tar.gz Henker, 2011-11-21.16:16:43 application/x-gzip
Author: Henker Date: 2011-11-21   16h16
I gave Tux the order to move to a place that was beyond a teleporter point. He
ran through the teleporter point (thus changing the level), but after that he
continued to ran into the same direction through five walls. He ended up in
another room that normally is not accessible in that direction.

I reproduced the behaviour from my savegame five times (out of five) by the
following steps:
- Load the savegame
- Give Tux a movement order in upper-right direction (near the friendly Firedevil)

Revision: 5178
Author: fluzz Date: 2011-11-21   16h21
On 11/21/2011 05:16 PM, Sebastian Offermann - Roundup wrote:
> New submission from Sebastian Offermann<>:
> I gave Tux the order to move to a place that was beyond a teleporter point. He
> ran through the teleporter point (thus changing the level), but after that he
> continued to ran into the same direction through five walls. He ended up in
> another room that normally is not accessible in that direction.
> I reproduced the behaviour from my savegame five times (out of five) by the
> following steps:
> - Load the savegame
> - Give Tux a movement order in upper-right direction (near the friendly Firedevil)

I thought this was fixed ????

Thx for the report.
Author: fluzz Date: 2011-11-21   22h20
Fixed in svn r5186
Date User Action Args
2011-11-21 22:20:39fluzzsetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg2061
2011-11-21 17:24:49fluzzsetassignedto: fluzz
nosy: + fluzz
2011-11-21 16:21:04fluzzsetmessages: + msg2055
2011-11-21 16:16:43Henkercreate