
Title missing atlas image: ogl crashes, sdl doesn't
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Submitted on 2012-01-07 15h27 by matthiaskrgr, last changed by matthiaskrgr.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patch.patch matthiaskrgr, 2012-01-07.15:27:37 text/x-diff
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2012-01-07   15h27
apply the attached patch and start playing, OGL crashes because it cannot find
atlas image. 

The file name was: tux_motion_parts/1hmelee/feet/iso_feet/iso_feet_abcde.png.

FreedroidRPG 0.15+svn encountered a problem in function:  find_file 
File not found The problem mentioned above is not fatal, we continue the execution.

FreedroidRPG 0.15+svn encountered a problem in function:  load_image_surface 
Could not load image.
 File name:
IMG_GetError(): Couldn't open

If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about it
You can 

  send an e-mail to                    freedroid-discussion AT
  mention it on our IRC channel        #freedroid on
  post on our forum at       
  or report the bug on our tracker at

Thank you!

The problem mentioned above is not fatal, we continue the execution.
print_trace:  Obtained 13 stack frames.
print_trace:  Obtaining symbols now done.
./src(print_trace+0x12) [0x440e82]
/lib/ [0x7f83a4f688a0]
./src(make_texture_out_of_surface+0x15) [0x4571e5]
./src(load_texture_atlas+0x102) [0x457d92]
./src(load_tux_graphics+0x87) [0x42c0d7]
./src(iso_put_tux+0x3d1) [0x451301]
./src(blit_tux+0x4e) [0x45156e]
./src(blit_nonpreput_objects_according_to_blitting_list+0x176) [0x453736]
./src(AssembleCombatPicture+0x2e5) [0x453b25]
./src(Game+0x4f) [0x44b82f]
./src(main+0x14a) [0x41643a]
/lib/ [0x7f83a497838d]
./src() [0x4164fd]

print_trace():  received SIGSEGV!

Termination of freedroidRPG initiated... Thank you for playing freedroidRPG.

while SDL cries loudly but continues playing

FreedroidRPG 0.15+svn encountered a problem in function:  create_subimage 
Trying to create subimage from image source 0x7fff4bc4b630 (width 0 height 0),
but image SDL surface is NULL.

If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about it
You can 

  send an e-mail to                    freedroid-discussion AT
  mention it on our IRC channel        #freedroid on
  post on our forum at       
  or report the bug on our tracker at

Thank you!

The problem mentioned above is not fatal, we continue the execution.

I think the same should happen in both cases.
Date User Action Args
2012-01-07 15:27:37matthiaskrgrsetfiles: + patch.patch
2012-01-07 15:27:25matthiaskrgrcreate