
Title The time Tux remains invisible should not stack up
Priority feature Status open
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Tux should not be able to use weapons when he is invisible
View: 607

Submitted on 2012-09-06 19h48 by Calangao, last changed by salimiles.

Author: Calangao Date: 2012-09-06   19h48
The time Tux remains invisible should not stack up. Right now the player is able
to apply the Invisibility code/spell multiple times and remain invisible flying
through the maps using other code/spells like malformed packages, dispell smoke,
killer poke killing bots and completing quests too easily.
Author: salimiles Date: 2012-09-18   22h57
How do you think we should calculate the amount of time that Tux is invisible?

What do you think of a system of "cooldown" times for each spell?
Date User Action Args
2018-03-12 16:15:20julie.chanlinkissue912 linked
2012-09-18 22:57:22salimilessetmessages: + msg2338
2012-09-06 19:53:46Calangaolinkissue609 linked
2012-09-06 19:48:19Calangaocreate