
Title Special Ammo
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Submitted on 2014-04-26 22h53 by jesusalva, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-04-26   22h53
Ammo that, by example, can poison foes/Tux.

Like, a laser packet that have special liquids - experiments from Future
Ballistics - mixed on it, paralyzing anything that it touches. And a special,
slower laser pistol that shot this kind of ammo. If you're armed with it, you
might paralyze a dangerous bot (although we might want to add, like, a 30%
chance of success and a very slow attack rate), and a special, ultra-rare
ultra-dangerous bot might paralyze you. (What wouldn't be intended before...
like... Act 3)
Date User Action Args
2014-04-26 22:53:17jesusalvacreate