
Title libpng warning during play
Priority minor Status rejected
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Submitted on 2014-05-11 14h13 by digifuzzy, last changed by digifuzzy.

Author: digifuzzy Date: 2014-05-11   14h13
During game play in the tutorial level only, the following warning appeared.

"libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited"

FDRPG ver: 0.15-1144-g7618657
libpng ver: 1.6.10-1
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2014-06-06   10h11
Hmm if that warning is comes from libpng, is it really our problem?

Have you tried if for example running optipng on all images fixes the issue?
Author: digifuzzy Date: 2014-06-07   13h24
Or is it a bad png file?
Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-06-26   20h58
@matthiaskrgr: That is our problem... If I understood correctly, libpng is 
saying that our color sheet (sRGB) is different from the one that it knows.

It's like saying that the color is blue but on libpng's libraries this color is 

So it gets confuse and says that it is not recognizing the color, and that you 
probably used a modified version of this color.

Well, according to "libpng-config --version" command, my libpng version is:
So I cannot try to reproduce this bug.

This bug may be caused by different software versions... Or no?
Date User Action Args
2015-10-13 19:41:34digifuzzysetstatus: open -> rejected
2014-06-26 20:58:30jesusalvasetmessages: + msg2820
2014-06-07 13:24:43digifuzzysetmessages: + msg2804
2014-06-06 10:11:42matthiaskrgrsetpriority: bug -> minor
messages: + msg2795
2014-05-11 14:13:28digifuzzycreate