
Title teleport - way back is broken
Priority critical Status rejected
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Watchers jesusalva, zdenek

Submitted on 2015-08-02 11h02 by zdenek, last changed by zdenek.

Author: zdenek Date: 2015-08-02   11h02
Teleport to City is working fine but when I want to teleport back, game crash
with following error:

FreedroidRPG 0.15-1557-gab5d647_mod encountered a problem in function:
Found a waypoint without connection
The offending waypoint nr. is: 600 at 84496168, 0.
The map level in question got nr.: 59.
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-08-02   12h48
Update: There is no need to go outside the city and teleport back. Even if you
are in the city and you step on the teleport place, game crash with this error:

FreedroidRPG 0.15-1557-gab5d647_mod encountered a problem in function:
Obstacle label "59-Teleporter" was not found on the map.
Author: greg Date: 2015-10-15   21h02
I have a similar problem with a savegame created in a previous revision
I think your savegame is no more compatible with the current revision
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-11-23   18h15
zdenek, please reply to greg's comment, so that we can know if there is actually
a bug.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2016-04-04   22h31
I'm closing this one for three reasons:
1- Couldn't reproduce (classic answer) 
    Even after various tests... It's probably related to broken save file... I
tried a little with the teletransportator and it works roughly like this: If you
are on level 59 you can only go to level 0 by the label. If you are on level 0
you can go to level 59 by the teletransporter OR to where you was last by the
homing beacon. The beacon will always do city->last_place and the town warp will
always do city->HF.

2- Obstacle label "59-Teleporter" exists on levels.dat
    You can grep it, this error can only happen if the label is missing on the
savegame -- if not, then it's really a very serious issue... I also gave a look
on all waypoints on the server room. They all are connected. The map validator
said the same.

3- It was from 0.15+git version, while we are at 0.16.1, I'm pretty sure it was
already dealt with.
    Why? Because nobody else reported this... And the few were savegame issues...

If you belive this to be equivocated, or if you are sure the error persists, by
al means re-open the ticket.

I'm also marking myself as a watcher in case this gives problems in future.

Best regards,
Author: zdenek Date: 2016-04-05   18h39
Sorry for no reaction till now but I was not aware of your replies (I didn't
visit this page for some time). 
Is there any way / possibility to set some kind of notification if there is a
reply to my issue please?
Author: jesusalva Date: 2016-04-06   11h55
You should receive an email when this 
changes. Could you please test with 
FreedroidRPG 0.16.1? Thank you.
Author: zdenek Date: 2016-04-06   12h50
I will test. Thanks for notification adjustment.
Date User Action Args
2016-04-06 12:50:12zdeneksetmessages: + msg3316
2016-04-06 11:55:11jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3315
2016-04-06 11:54:11jesusalvasetnosy: + zdenek
2016-04-05 18:39:07zdeneksetmessages: + msg3312
2016-04-04 22:31:00jesusalvasetstatus: open -> rejected
nosy: + jesusalva
messages: + msg3309
2015-11-23 18:15:14fluzzsetmessages: + msg3280
2015-10-19 23:52:25thePalindromelinkissue840 linked
2015-10-15 21:02:49gregsetmessages: + msg3258
2015-08-02 12:48:59zdeneksetmessages: + msg3216
2015-08-02 12:48:59zdenekcreate