
Title Obstacle label with ";" may provoke crash
Priority minor Status open
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Watchers

Submitted on 2017-03-25 19h40 by jesusalva, last changed by jesusalva.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
issue891-b.sav.gz jesusalva, 2017-03-26.15:49:00 application/gzip
issue891-b.shp jesusalva, 2017-03-26.15:49:42 application/x-qgis
issue891-b.thumbnail.png jesusalva, 2017-03-26.15:50:13 image/png
Author: jesusalva Date: 2017-03-25   19h40
Noticed on a small patch testing and decided to open a ticket about it.
Plant a sign on a level and read it from the neighbour level. Crash.
Author: fluzz Date: 2017-03-26   15h24
Please send a savegame with the planted read sign, and Tux on the neighbour level.
It will be easier to debug and fix.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2017-03-26   15h49
I might have struck upon a different bug than I'm claiming...

Attached issue891-b.sav.gz.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2017-03-26   16h02
player's last position: X=28.000000, Y=-0.000000, Z=52.

FreedroidRPG 0.16-317-g521e177_mod encountered a problem in function:
A player's Tux was found outside the map.
This indicates either a bug in the FreedroidRPG code or
a bug in the currently used map system of FreedroidRPG.

If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about
it! Thank you!

FreedroidRPG will terminate now to draw attention to the problems it could
not resolve. We are sorry if that interrupts a major game of yours.
print_trace:  Obtained 14 stack frames.
print_trace:  Obtaining symbols now done.
./src(print_trace+0x12) [0x453a82]
./src(error_message+0x15b) [0x46663b]
./src(correct_tux_position_according_to_jump+0x164) [0x4333e4]
./src(Game+0x10b) [0x44a04b]
./src(TestMap+0x28) [0x471b98]
./src() [0x482309]
./src() [0x48cb9a]
./src(widget_group_handle_event+0x1a8) [0x48cf58]
./src(input_handle+0x58) [0x437d58]
./src(leveleditor_process_input+0x22) [0x476ae2]
./src(LevelEditor+0x55) [0x471c15]
./src(main+0x155) [0x418605]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe3a02a2830]
./src(_start+0x29) [0x418699]

Termination of freedroidRPG initiated... Thank you for playing freedroidRPG.
Date User Action Args
2017-03-26 16:02:32jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3451
title: No sign reading outside level boundaries -> Obstacle label with ";" may provoke crash
2017-03-26 15:50:13jesusalvasetfiles: + issue891-b.thumbnail.png
2017-03-26 15:49:42jesusalvasetfiles: + issue891-b.shp
2017-03-26 15:49:00jesusalvasetfiles: + issue891-b.sav.gz
messages: + msg3448
2017-03-26 15:24:46fluzzsetmessages: + msg3446
2017-03-25 19:40:58jesusalvacreate