
Title Can't return to firmware update server after propagation
Priority bug Status resolved
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Submitted on 2018-08-26 10h01 by shentino, last changed by shentino.

Author: shentino Date: 2018-08-26   10h01
I propagated the faulty firmware update, but after activating the teleporter to 
go back to town, I can't return to the update server room.  Not only does the 
teleporter not bring me back there, but the closure of the gate makes it 
impossible to reenter the room.
Author: shentino Date: 2019-12-08   18h46
Closing as further updates to the game's plot have preempted this issue.
Date User Action Args
2019-12-08 18:46:55shentinosetstatus: open -> resolved
2019-12-08 18:46:25shentinosetmessages: + msg3665
2018-08-26 10:01:52shentinocreate