
Title Segfault in basic arena
Priority critical Status resolved
Assigned To Keywords
Linked issues Watchers fluzz

Submitted on 2022-12-05 18h05 by specing, last changed by fluzz.

Author: specing Date: 2022-12-05   18h05
What I did before: was testing effect of different upgrades on ranged weapon. Then went into arena to test laser staff for another bug report. After testing I pressed ESC->load save (from before testing of upgrades). This resulted in crash:

/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG -o -w -r 1280x980
print_trace:  Obtained 19 stack frames.
print_trace:  Obtaining symbols now done.
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(print_trace+0x1a) [0x56023fc6e20a]
/lib64/ [0x7f6e7e1209c0]
/lib64/ [0x7f6e7e17b143]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(delete_upgrade_sockets+0x3b) [0x56023fc5497b]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(free_ship_level+0x153) [0x56023fc645f3]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(free_current_ship+0x5b) [0x56023fc6469b]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(LoadShip+0x38) [0x56023fc64728]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(+0x63d35) [0x56023fc74d35]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(+0x5865d) [0x56023fc6965d]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(+0x59e8a) [0x56023fc6ae8a]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(EscapeMenu+0x35) [0x56023fc6b5f5]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(+0x475b3) [0x56023fc585b3]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(input_key_press+0x60) [0x56023fc58620]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(input_handle+0xb0) [0x56023fc4f990]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(Game+0x9e) [0x56023fc636ee]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(main+0x165) [0x56023fc2e535]
/lib64/ [0x7f6e7e10c20c]
/lib64/ [0x7f6e7e10c2bc]
/tmp/freedroid/src/freedroidRPG(_start+0x21) [0x56023fc2e591]

print_trace():  received SIGSEGV!

Segmentation fault

I believe I had some silencers & laser sights in inventory at time of crash.
Unable to reproduce the crash. The last save was before testing all this and unlikely to be of any use.
Author: fluzz Date: 2022-12-25   17h13
Should have been fixed in commit 05406a5c5

Reopen if it still crash...
Date User Action Args
2022-12-25 17:13:40fluzzsetstatus: open -> resolved
nosy: + fluzz
messages: + msg3777
2022-12-05 18:05:34specingcreate