
Title Incorrect help on key chart remap
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Submitted on 2024-03-03 17h30 by Wuzzy, last changed by Wuzzy.

Author: Wuzzy Date: 2024-03-03   17h30
In FreedroidRPG v1.0:

In the key chart, there is this help text at the bottom:

> ARROWS to select, ENTER to remap, ESCAPE to exit

However, this help text becomes false when you're remapping a key. Because in this stage, if you press arrows, enter or escape, you will instead assign that key.

Suggested bugfix: Change the help text at the bottom in "remap mode" to an appropriate text. Example: "Press a key or key combination you want to assign to: <some action>".
Date User Action Args
2024-03-03 17:30:38Wuzzycreate