The key list menu is quite hard to navigate and there are multiple usability issues:
1) Technical Names: In English, all action names are very technical and full of underscores like "show_item_labels" (rather than "show item names")
2) Cryptic Names: Some action names are very cryptic like "cheat_xp+1k"
3) Confusing Scroll: The key list scrolls in a strange way. The key list has two rows and you would *think* that both rows scroll simultanously when you scroll down. But this does not happen. Instead, the right row will "scroll into" the left row. This is not how scrolling works in most programs and is poor usability. I suggest to redo the scrolling so this list scrolls both rows at the same time, like most spreadsheet programs scroll tables.
4) Confusing PageUp/Page Down: The behavior of pressing PageUp/PageDown to navigate the key list makes no sense at all. The cursor moves by an unpredictable amount. Very confusing
5) No Categories: The keys are not well-organized, making it hard to find a particular key. Many keys are editor-only or game-only. It would be better if all keys are put into sections for game-only, editor-only and other keys. And probably add subsections as well because of the large number of keys. For game, I would move the most important keys to the top of the list