
Title Ammo name is not translated in certain contexts
Priority minor Status open
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Submitted on 2024-03-16 07h39 by Wuzzy, last changed by Wuzzy.

Author: Wuzzy Date: 2024-03-16   07h39
The ammo name is untranslated in some contexts:

1) If you try to reload a gun but have no ammo, the message at the bottom shows you are out of ammo, but the ammo name is untranslated
2) If you select a gun in the shop, in the description the ammo name is written: "This weapon requires %s", where %s is the ammo name, but it is always in English.

Tested in version 029299cae4e02403a05dcdf4a243158f7b9ad1d0.
Date User Action Args
2024-03-16 07:39:01Wuzzycreate