
Author jesusalva
Date 2017-12-24.22:47:25
Signaling to mark as rejected because Tux is not rendered anymore, and
currently, there are no actions at lvleditor menu which affects waypoints
directly (to justify rendering them).

Unless we add an “auto-fill level with random waypoints”, which would be a
TOTALLY AWESOME feature, I do not see any reason to display them (although
that's just adding another flag to AssembleCombatPicture iirc...)

Well, if you disagree with me, fell free to keep the ticket open :P
Just stating my thoughts.
Date User Action Args
2017-12-24 22:47:25jesusalvasetmessageid: <>
2017-12-24 22:47:25jesusalvalinkissue324 messages
2017-12-24 22:47:25jesusalvacreate