
Title Make Shotgun Blast Radial
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Submitted on 2011-07-24 19h08 by tracker_migration, last changed by salimiles.

Author: tracker_migration Date: 2010-11-15   17h58
Submitted by salimiles
Currently the shotgun blasts display and act like a single bullet. This is not very realistic, unless you are shooting slugs which are relatively rare.

Unlike rifles shotguns:
1) have significantly limited effective range
2) have significant dispersion
(Varied by ammunition and various aspects of the gun itself.)

The radial blast (e.g. grenades) has both the limited range aspect, and the radial expansion. If we could limit it to one sector (say like 5 degrees) we would have a much more realistic shotgun.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2010-11-15   18h06
Posted by matthiaskrgr
If I remember correctly Stedevil once wanted to have a certain spreading of bullets for weapons in order to balance the currently quite easy aiming on fixed targets. (higher ranged weapon skill=less bullet spread)

If we had this feature, the shotgun could just get a very high bullet spread (maybe 30+\u00b0?) and a salvo of 10 or so  shots per click that than spread in the angle to have a    shotgun   appearance.
Author: tracker_migration Date: 2011-03-21   10h33
Posted by ahuillet
This is indeed similar to the "variation of bullet angles" ticket, and should be treated as part of it.
Author: matthiaskrgr Date: 2011-07-27   12h47
Is that solved by now?
Author: salimiles Date: 2011-12-07   17h06
In the release notes for 0.15rc1:
"The shotgun weapons now fire actual shotgun shells with pellets and spread." 

Which fulfills at least the intent of this feature request. So I'm marking this
as resolved.
Date User Action Args
2011-12-07 17:06:43salimilessetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg2114
2011-07-27 12:47:22matthiaskrgrsetpriority: bug -> feature
messages: + msg1340
2011-07-24 19:08:00tracker_migrationcreate