
Title A player's Tux was found outside the map.
Priority bug Status open
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Submitted on 2017-07-12 19h41 by Emanuele Sorce, last changed by fluzz.

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unnamed fluzz, 2018-07-28.17:15:19 text/html
Author: Emanuele Sorce Date: 2017-07-12   19h41
The game has chrashed with this bug.
Here what the log says:

--start of real debug log--

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003090, pos.y=75.775841, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.082993, pos.y=0.366768, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003212, pos.y=76.805023, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=2.387940, pos.y=-0.019438, pos.z=45, type=0

player's last position: X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31.

FreedroidRPG 0.16.1 encountered a problem in function: CheckForTuxOutOfMap
A player's Tux was found outside the map.
This indicates either a bug in the FreedroidRPG code or
a bug in the currently used map system of FreedroidRPG.

If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about it!
You can
  send an e-mail to                    freedroid-discussion AT
  mention it on our IRC channel        #freedroid on
  or report the bug on our tracker at

Thank you!

FreedroidRPG will terminate now to draw attention to the problems it could
not resolve. We are sorry if that interrupts a major game of yours.
Author: fluzz Date: 2017-07-12   20h42
X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31. 

How is that possible ??

Where were you when the game crashed ?
Author: jesusalva Date: 2017-07-16   02h31
Let me add my useless comments.

He was at an advanced stage of the game. I can confirm he was attacking the HF,
just at entrance.
The bullets on backlog are on the southern shoreline (48), then at World's Edge
(45) - a small land bridge of no actual relevance, and finally the crash happens
at MS Office aka. Hell Fortress Entrance (31)

There's no message “Tux is stuck!” on these logs and no way to use -1 trick here.

For example, which building you entered? Did Spencer contacted you on HF? Had
you seen any friendly bots? Level 31 is not bland, you can use a lot of things
as reference. Also, just before the crash, had you used any skill or item, like
Sanctuary or Teleport Homing Beacon, for example? This is an error which should
definitely NOT happen, so we need a lot of information if we want to reproduce -
and fix - this error. :/
Author: fluzz Date: 2018-07-28   17h15
X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31

How is that possible ???

----- Reply message -----
De : "Emanuele Sorce - Roundup" <>
Pour : <>
Objet : [issue895] A player's Tux was found outside the map.
Date : mer., juil. 12, 2017 21:41

New submission from Emanuele Sorce <>:

The game has chrashed with this bug.
Here what the log says:

--start of real debug log--

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003090, pos.y=75.775841, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.082993, pos.y=0.366768, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003212, pos.y=76.805023, pos.z=48, type=0

Bullet outside of map: pos.x=2.387940, pos.y=-0.019438, pos.z=45, type=0

player's last position: X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31.

FreedroidRPG 0.16.1 encountered a problem in function: CheckForTuxOutOfMap
A player's Tux was found outside the map.
This indicates either a bug in the FreedroidRPG code or
a bug in the currently used map system of FreedroidRPG.

If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about it!
You can
send an e-mail to                    freedroid-discussion AT
mention it on our IRC channel        #freedroid on
or report the bug on our tracker at

Thank you!

FreedroidRPG will terminate now to draw attention to the problems it could
not resolve. We are sorry if that interrupts a major game of yours.

messages: 3472
priority: bug
status: open
title: A player's Tux was found outside the map.

FreedroidRPG issues <>

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Attached unnamed.
Date User Action Args
2018-07-28 17:15:19fluzzsetfiles: + unnamed
messages: + msg3593
2017-07-16 02:31:18jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3474
2017-07-12 20:42:50fluzzsetmessages: + msg3473
2017-07-12 19:41:46Emanuele Sorcecreate