
Author Benni
Date 2014-11-16.22:01:36
Read this by chance and can report a recent event. As i downloaded this game on
Friday and decided to contribute just this minute, i have not the newest
developper version, but 0.15.1 windows.

1.Engel was killed yesterday. I noticed only the message "your friend Engel was
killed" and thought it to be a feature. It wasn't a problem either, as i was in
lategame and had acquired the "extract bot parts" programm at the very
beginning. When i as walking by later, Geist was still wandering around and
killing bots.

2.I had taken over a bot ingame and forgot it in the cryo lab. To make sure it
won't neither be harmed nor start attacking hostile bots itself i guided it into
an inner room. When i later retourned to cryo lab, ( it was rather in the
beginning of the game) a huge mass of bots was waiting at the outside ( i think
this to be a feature?) and also mine in the inner had turned hostile. Luckily it
hadn't found Francis yet, but i took care from that time on...
Date User Action Args
2014-11-16 22:01:36Bennisetmessageid: <>
2014-11-16 22:01:36Bennilinkissue770 messages
2014-11-16 22:01:36Bennicreate