
Author jesusalva
Date 2014-12-11.13:39:06
1.Engel was killed yesterday. I noticed only the message "your friend Engel was
killed" and thought it to be a feature. It wasn't a problem either, as i was in
lategame and had acquired the "extract bot parts" programm at the very
beginning. When i as walking by later, Geist was still wandering around and
killing bots.

 That already happened with me. I've forgot a 543 there...
 Possible solution: Increase HP for 'BLU' char.
 Cons: If you have an enemy that is of BLU type...
Date User Action Args
2014-12-11 13:39:06jesusalvasetmessageid: <>
2014-12-11 13:39:06jesusalvalinkissue770 messages
2014-12-11 13:39:06jesusalvacreate