X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31
How is that possible ???
----- Reply message -----
De : "Emanuele Sorce - Roundup" <bugs@freedroid.org>
PourĀ : <freedroid-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net>
Objet : [issue895] A player's Tux was found outside the map.
Date : mer., juil. 12, 2017 21:41
New submission from Emanuele Sorce <emanuele.sorce@hotmail.com>:
The game has chrashed with this bug.
Here what the log says:
--start of real debug log--
Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003090, pos.y=75.775841, pos.z=48, type=0
Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.082993, pos.y=0.366768, pos.z=48, type=0
Bullet outside of map: pos.x=90.003212, pos.y=76.805023, pos.z=48, type=0
Bullet outside of map: pos.x=2.387940, pos.y=-0.019438, pos.z=45, type=0
player's last position: X=-130.484833, Y=915.122925, Z=31.
FreedroidRPG 0.16.1 encountered a problem in function: CheckForTuxOutOfMap
A player's Tux was found outside the map.
This indicates either a bug in the FreedroidRPG code or
a bug in the currently used map system of FreedroidRPG.
If you encounter this message, please inform the FreedroidRPG developers about it!
You can
send an e-mail to freedroid-discussion AT lists.sourceforge.net
mention it on our IRC channel #freedroid on irc.freenode.net
or report the bug on our tracker at http://bugs.freedroid.org/
Thank you!
FreedroidRPG will terminate now to draw attention to the problems it could
not resolve. We are sorry if that interrupts a major game of yours.
messages: 3472
priority: bug
status: open
title: A player's Tux was found outside the map.
FreedroidRPG issues <bugs@freedroid.org>
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