
Author fluzz
Date 2024-08-16.08:50:30
Ok. Easy to reproduce. Even no need to drop an item over an other one.

Take a bomb, for instance, drop it on the floor.
Take the equipped laser riffle (the one in the hands of Tux in the inventory), drop it where you want on the floor. There are now 2 riffles on the floor...

Now, here the actual bug :

Reload the savegame, click on the equipped riffle in the inventory, and you'll see that a riffle item label is displayed near Tux. This should not happen ! There's a bug here !

Because, if you click on the unequipped riffle (in the lower part of the inventory), you'll see that no label is displayed near Tux. That's the normal behavior.

Thx for the additional information, it can now be easier to find the bug.

(and don't worry for your english, it is not worst than mine - I'm also French :-))
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2024-08-16 08:50:30fluzzsetmessageid: <>
2024-08-16 08:50:30fluzzlinkissue1002 messages
2024-08-16 08:50:30fluzzcreate