
Title Savegames become broken during the quest of Ewald's 296
Priority critical Status resolved
Assigned To Keywords translation
Linked issues Watchers

Submitted on 2014-10-31 21h38 by Christoph, last changed by fluzz.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove Christoph, 2014-11-03.14:30:55 application/zip
Author: Christoph Date: 2014-10-31   21h38
Steps to reproduce:
1) After finding Ewald's 296 solve its quest until you can get the nuclear
physics book from the librarian (a new dialogue option appears).
2) Save the game BEFORE getting the book from her.
3) Reloading now should succeed.
4) Now get the book.
5) Save again.
6) Reloading will take a long time, but won't succeed, the game will crash.

In fact you can do anything after step 4, the game continues to behave
correctly; as soon as you save, however, your saved game will be broken.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-11-02   19h00
Could you post the save files as well? Thanks in advance. :)
Author: Christoph Date: 2014-11-03   14h30
The attached save file isn't loadable here. The backup is saved immediately
before obtaining the book, and loadable. "zdiff" gave me no direct hint about
which variable might cause the issue, probably due to destroying the order of
previous entries upon saving. My confioguration is included as well. Version is
latest Git, compiled on multiarch AMD64/x86 Debian Jessie/Sid.

Author: Christoph Date: 2014-11-03   17h30
Bug found in german text string for quest log: used double quotes around book's
name, which are reserved for enclosing the text strings as a whole. Single
quotes work.
Author: Christoph Date: 2014-11-03   17h31
zdiff -u follows:

--- /tmp/i0e_Christoph.sav.gz   2014-11-03 18:30:35.232775416 +0100
+++ /tmp/i0f_Christoph.sav~     2014-11-03 18:30:35.256775479 +0100
@@ -1903,7 +1903,7 @@
 "Ewalds 296-er steht kurz vor einer Explosion, die die ganze Stadt zerst�ren
k�nnte! Ich muss etwas unternehmen!",
 "Wenn ich eine Kopie von 'Subatomare und Nukleare Wissenschaften f�r Dummies,
Teil IV' bekomme, k�nnte ich die Explosion des 296-ers aufhalten. Ich hoffe, ich
bekomme es irgendwo in der Stadt!",
 "Ich sprach mit Dixon, der leider nicht dieses Buch hatte. Daher gab er mir den
Tipp, mal in der B�cherei nachzuschauen.",
-"Tamara konnte mir eine Kopie von 'Subatomare und Nukleare Wissenschaften f�r
Dummies, Teil IV' aush�ndigen. Ich sollte schnellstens damit zu Ewalds 296 eilen.",
+"Tamara konnte mir eine Kopie von "Subatomare und Nukleare Wissenschaften f�r
Dummies, Teil IV" aush�ndigen. Ich sollte schnellstens damit zu Ewalds 296 eilen.",
Author: Christoph Date: 2014-11-03   23h08
Perhaps use the typographically correct german unicode quotation marks?

My suggestion:

Tamara händigte mir eine Kopie von „Subatomare und Nukleare Wissenschaften für
Dummies, Teil IV“ aus.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-11-11   22h57
Hmm... if problem is localization then it's a problem of Germany Translation
Team (which, by the way, is the biggest, followed by French - in active

Well, if you pretend to use another unicode, you'll need to warn giby about
that. He is in charge of game localization and possibly of new characters. (like
the missing 'ç' on my case, not sure if this was already fixed)
Author: Christoph Date: 2014-11-12   17h02
The problem isn't localisation as such, it is just in this case, because the
error is located in a german text string.

The real problem is that people writing text must be made aware of any reserved
characters such as simple double quotes " in this special case.

Must every character to be used in dialogues be allowed or its usage made
possible specifically? Why?

Do the translating teams read the bug descriptions here? I hope so, because I'm
not keen on finding out how to contact the correct people and resolving "not my
type of problem" rejections for every problem I see in the game.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2014-11-12   21h00
> Must every character to be used in dialogues be allowed or its usage made
possible specifically? Why?
We use bitmap fonts, not True Type Format, that you're probably used. So, to
support a new character, someone needs to drawn it.

> Do the translating teams read the bug descriptions here?
Specifically I don't think so, this is a tool for DEVs. But most of translators
are DEVs as well. By example, I'm pt_BR translation coordinator.
Matthiaskrgr and Xenux may eventually see this and fix, although if the problem
is a single string, you can by yourself fix it.

> I'm not keen on finding out how to contact the correct people
Oh, that's fairly easy. Just enter on the IRC and mark the channel operators
(matthiaskrgr and fluzz). They will be able to redirect the issue.

But for this game Matthias Krüeger (aka. matthiaskrgr) is the responsible for
bug tracking and fixing. Fluzz and xenux edits C, scottfurry or digifuzzy edits
Lua like fluzz. GiBy is responsible for translation.

You can also join on IRC network, say 'hi' and ask if someone can help you. It
may take some time util anyone notice so patience. :)

> resolving "not my type of problem" rejections for every problem I see in the game
Uhh... When this happens, you're supposed to redirect the person to who can fix
that, right? 
By example, I cannot solve this issue if it's translation-related (but if the
problem is just the double quote usage I can), but I can redirect you to
matthiaskrgr and giby. :)
Author: fluzz Date: 2016-10-15   15h40
This was fixed in commit b8728ec0, by using Lua long literals in savegame, so
that translations can use any character without potential bad side-effects.
Date User Action Args
2016-10-15 15:40:16fluzzsetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg3363
2014-11-12 21:00:58jesusalvasetmessages: + msg2972
2014-11-12 17:02:34Christophsetmessages: + msg2969
2014-11-11 22:57:18jesusalvasetmessages: + msg2962
2014-11-03 23:08:31Christophsetmessages: + msg2946
2014-11-03 21:12:47matthiaskrgrsetkeyword: + translation
2014-11-03 17:31:54Christophsetmessages: + msg2932
2014-11-03 17:30:09Christophsetmessages: + msg2931
2014-11-03 14:30:55Christophsetfiles: +
messages: + msg2929
2014-11-02 19:00:52jesusalvasetmessages: + msg2924
2014-10-31 21:38:52Christophcreate