
Title Add Czech language to the game menu
Priority feature Status resolved
Assigned To Keywords translation
Linked issues Watchers zdenek

Submitted on 2015-01-16 11h00 by zdenek, last changed by jesusalva.

Author: zdenek Date: 2015-01-16   11h00

I have finished the translation of the game to Czech language and I would like
to kindly ask you for its adding to the game menu.
This will allow me to continue with language review directly in the game.

Many thanks for your feedback in advance!
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-01-18   16h48
Thx for your contribution.

Our translator team leader will have a look as soon as he can.

I will also add a 'How to check your translation in game" on the wiki page in
the daus to come.
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-01-18   17h15
Mhhh... I just had a quick look at your translations. They need accentuated
characters that we do not have in our font bitmaps (we use 'old-fashion' latin+
fonts, we are not yet utf-8 compatible). I'm afraid that it will be a big issue.

Are those accentuated chars mandatory in your language ?
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-01-19   09h16
The diacritics of the affected characters are not mandatory if they are in
sentence (to keep the meaning of the word). So it should be fine to have the
letters/words without diacritics.

Please let me know if I should rewrite the translation to characters without
special symbols or if you are able to use existing translation that would drop
those symbols automatically (but I'm afraid that the special letters will be
replaced with some crazy ASCII symbols.)
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-01-19   09h59
I'll check how those chars are loaded by our code, and see if they can be easily
replaced by non accentuated chars.

I'll take you informed.
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-01-20   10h20
So, I would like to avoid having to change your translations. You did a huge
work, and I would like to 'honor' your contribution.

Our fonts are actually a subset of iso-8859-1 encoding.
For Czech, iso-8859-2 encoding is needed.

There are not so much differences between the 2, so I think that with a bit of
gimp-ing, we could create the fonts needed for your language.

I'm currently adding iso-8859 char encoding support to our code, so that we can
still use bitmap fonts, and avoid the need for utf-8 + True Type vector fonts.

Could you, possibly, help us on creating the iso-8859-2 fonts ?
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-01-20   16h09
First of all, many thanks for this update.
Yes, I'm open to do that. Just let me know what exactly is needed.
I'm not sure what should be delivered. Is it expected that I should create
additional fonts in gimp (for those special czech characters) that would be
added to character set of iso-8859-1?
If yes, what should be the picture file extension?
Is it enough to create only letters with special character or should I create
complete set of fonts?
My apologizes for these questions but I do not have knowledge about fonts. But I
will google some info to learn it ;-)
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-01-20   16h20
I found some how-to's and tutorials. I'll update the game font with missing
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-01-20   16h33
I'm not sure that the tutos that you found are valid for our bitmap fonts...
Wait until I've integrated char encoding support before to start working on it.
I'll explain you later. It just a matter of cut-n-pasting some parts of images,
and drawing some missing accents, I think.
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-02-15   17h27
zdenek, on git head, czech language is enabled with your translations included.
If the game starts in english, go to options/language to switch to czech.
Currently, you'll have to quit and restart the game to get the right encoding
(will be fixed later).
Currently, only the font used to display the menu contains the czech accentuated
chars (I'll soon fix the other fonts).

So, please, can you check and tell me if everything is right with the display of
the menu ?
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-02-16   17h33
Hello fluzz

I set CZ language and everything (within menu) works perfectly. The language
characters are displayed correctly (even the special ones). Many thanks!
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-02-16   17h40
I'm happy that it works fine.

I'm now doing the other fonts, starting with the one used in dialog.
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-02-16   17h47
If you send me source files of the font PNG files, I would be happy to help you.
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-02-19   08h35
I see the dialogue font has been added as well already. Many thanks. I tested it
and works perfectly.
Moreover, the language change does not require game restart now anymore.

I saw some translation issues with CZ active (mix of languages):
1) If you open Contribute in menu, the content (text) is in English, not in CZ
2) The same is valid for Credits
3) The same is valid for game beginning (scrolling text before game begins)
4) In game - Skill help window (skill description when clicking on "?" in
Skills) is in English
5) In game - Skill names are in French language
6) In game - the dialog window where player choose dialog sentences as the
answers - if dialogue is ongoing, there is "Click anywhere to continue". I
didn't find this sentence in the translation so it is not translated at all

Last but not least, I would like to update the translation because I did some
corrections based on game review. 
Is it something I can do directly or I need to send request to you each time?

Thank you
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-03-01   12h47
All fonts are now ISO-8859-15 and ISO-8859-2 compliant.
The translation of the Title screens (Credits, Contribute, NewGame) have been

I'll check for the other mentioned issue.

To test your translations, you first need to install the transifex client
( and configure it

Once done, cd to $fdrpg_topsrcdir/po 
Run "make tx-pull" to download the translations from transifex and run "make
update-gmo" to install them in the game. That's all.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2015-03-01   18h43
So now characters like 'ç' and 'á' works?
Previously, 'ç' werent written at all, and the 'á' look was terrible.
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-03-03   14h27
I just played with translation review and its update in the game and it works
very well.
The letters for ISO-8859-2 are displayed correctly and look good as well.
I do not know to what 'á' is jesusalva referring to but I do not see any problem
with that.

Regarding the reported translation issues above - points 1 - 5 are resolved now. 

But I face another (new) issue that was working correctly before:
When creating new player (screen with entering new player's name), the text is
displayed in English only.
I checked the local file containing this piece of translation
(./po/po-src/cs.po) and the text is translated there.
All other translations looks fine.
Author: fluzz Date: 2015-03-05   13h17
The text of the "New Player" screen has been changed very recently (the "----"
have been removed), so the new pot file has to be uploaded to tx, and the
translations have to be fixed...

Sorry for the inconvience.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2015-03-07   00h53
Zdneck: it's probably nothing, but when 
assemblying a... "´", by example, with a 
letter like "a" on the main menu looked 
very odd imo.
A real problem was with missing "ç" on 
character screen. This one about "á" is 
not really relevant...
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-03-08   21h21
OK, I understand the problem. But character "ç" is not a part of Czech language
so I cannot review it. I see this letter on the "character maps" in the file
system of the game (./graphics/font/) so I would expect it should be visible in
the game text as well. Of course I can be wrong.

I do not see any issue with letters from Czech language point of view. All are
displayed correctly. The "look & feel" of the letters like "á" could be point of
discussion but I'm fine with the current status.

The "New Player" text appeared on Transifex already. I updated the translation
for Czech lang. and updated my local game installation with new translations but
the text still appears in English. I tested it with German language as well and
the result is the same. Local source file contains the updated translation but
it is not displayed in the game.

I found some other language/translation issues but I would not add it here since
the purpose of this ticket was to add Czech language to the game. This actually
happened already.
Moreover ticket history is growing and it is not easy to keep control what's
still persisting and what's solved.
Thanks that I would propose to close this ticket. Are you OK to close it as well

I will open new ticket(s) for issues I found.

Thank you
Author: zdenek Date: 2015-03-08   22h53
Just one comment regarding the character map for French language. 
I set that language and checked menu of the game. I found "č" letter in
"Paramčtres de jeu". I do not speak French at all but I'm almost sure that there
is no such a character in French language. So it is possible that the letters
are located on wrong place in the character map or there is some letter that
shouldn't be in the character map for French language at all.
Author: jesusalva Date: 2015-03-09   23h59
Zdenek: those scroll messages are text 
based, they require special care to work.
If you don't mind, Im marking it as 
resolved. If this is incorrect please 
reopen, or write in a new ticket.
About french issue... I dont speak 
french, but wouldnt it be better to add 
in a new ticket? Its unrelated to czech, 
Date User Action Args
2015-03-09 23:59:25jesusalvasetstatus: open -> resolved
messages: + msg3081
2015-03-09 09:24:56zdeneksetnosy: + zdenek
2015-03-08 22:53:28zdeneksetmessages: + msg3075
2015-03-08 22:10:08zdeneklinkissue794 linked
2015-03-08 21:24:51zdeneksetnosy: - zdenek
2015-03-08 21:24:27zdeneksetnosy: + zdenek
2015-03-08 21:21:29zdeneksetmessages: + msg3072
2015-03-07 00:53:57jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3071
2015-03-05 13:17:29fluzzsetmessages: + msg3067
2015-03-03 14:27:56zdeneksetmessages: + msg3064
2015-03-01 18:43:13jesusalvasetmessages: + msg3063
2015-03-01 12:47:10fluzzsetmessages: + msg3062
2015-02-19 08:35:06zdeneksetmessages: + msg3061
2015-02-16 17:47:40zdeneksetmessages: + msg3060
2015-02-16 17:40:14fluzzsetmessages: + msg3059
2015-02-16 17:33:01zdeneksetmessages: + msg3058
2015-02-15 17:27:07fluzzsetmessages: + msg3056
2015-01-20 16:33:05fluzzsetmessages: + msg3051
2015-01-20 16:20:37zdeneksetmessages: + msg3050
2015-01-20 16:09:38zdeneksetmessages: + msg3049
2015-01-20 10:20:01fluzzsetmessages: + msg3048
2015-01-19 09:59:58fluzzsetmessages: + msg3047
2015-01-19 09:16:22zdeneksetmessages: + msg3045
2015-01-18 17:15:24fluzzsetmessages: + msg3044
2015-01-18 16:48:39fluzzsetmessages: + msg3042
2015-01-16 11:00:15zdenekcreate